ZAN COIN - A Consulting Company Working with Independent Developer Payments

Zan Coin provides employee motivation, which can influence the success of the process and the development of strong products. A study of employee motivation issues since the 1950s has consistently shown that extreme job satisfaction is directly related to various tangible and intangible factors, such as exciting work and a sense of accomplishment and strong responsibility for your work, and wages and good benefits. When employee bonuses and bonuses are directly related to organizational success through their developed and measurable products with financial benefits, employee motivation and motivation can be improved.
What is ZAN coin?
We are a consulting firm that is constantly experiencing payment issues to our independent developers. With ZAN Coin, we can now pay faster, work better and attract everyone who participates in our success.
With ZAN Coin is not only a problem with settled payments, but also 3 main points, as well as bonus features
Motivation "Freelancer" to offer the best in software development for ZAN Coin's important projects.
Choice for redemption. They will buy ZAN back to keep the coins in circulation for money movements and price increases.
Dividendes provenant de la vente de chaque produit. Ils vont prendre plus de 50% des ventes de produits, payer les développeurs et les détenteurs de pièces de monnaie dans ZAN Coin. Tous les propriétaires de ZAN Coin reçoivent un dividende, payé en ZAN uniquement pour économiser des pièces. Ils sont payés «proportionnellement» à ZAN, avec la participation actuelle des investisseurs de ZAN, lorsque les dividendes sont payés.
ZAN Coin est un vrai projet qui résout tous les jours de vrais problèmes avec une solution mature. En utilisant la technologie Ethereum Blockchain et la technologie ERC20, ZAN Coin mettra un terme à ses problèmes et créera un système de paiement rapide.
The main goal of Zancoin
The ultimate goal is to grow and develop as a consulting firm that is legitimate and very successful. They not only want to grow their business, but also that all Freelance developers and their current investors are thriving. With this important goal, the life cycle of ZAN will make all participants successful. Investors will create more capital to improve the development of the project. Developers will work more efficiently, harder and faster to create great products that increase sales. This will help you increase sales and get more profit for all owners of ZAN Coin.
The decision of Zancoin
Protection of investor interests. As soon as we started working with ZAN Coin, we will soon pay our developer markers for our existing projects. You can decide if you want to save or redeem tokens as an investment from your own work. On the other hand, every sale of our products is converted to tokens and distributed evenly between our ZAN coin holders.
The option of redemption is one way to keep the coins outstanding and protect their growth. We produce software solutions sold separately to a large number of customers. Each sale generates revenue converted to ZAN coins, buys from the current owner or uses our backup copy. Total revenue is then shared 50% for the company and 50% for each token owner. This will create a residual income for owners that will help improve our business and developments.

How to buy ZAN Coin?
Currently, the only way to buy ZAN Coin is their ICO. ICO begins:
on May 15, 2018.
Pre-sale: 1 ETH = 1500 ZAN, pre-sale ends on May 22, 2018.
Round 1: 1 ETH = 1200 ZAN, end time, TBD.
Round 2: 1 ETH = 900 ZAN, end time, TBD
5% Recommendation: users can view their reference link on the user's profile page.
ZAN coins: 17.148.385
Distribution of ZAN coins:
Investor distribution 70%: 12,003,870 coins
Affiliate and Bounty - 10% Allocation: 1 714 838 coins
Founder - 15% of allotments: 2,572,257
Reserve - 5% allotment: 857 419

as shown on the main website:
February 2017: Run the first project. We started our first project, and our first product was created. We sell the full rights of the company who bought it for the purpose of selling it.
August 2017: Initiation of our second project. This time we started working on our own products, which we wanted to sell ourselves. This is when we face the problem of paying casual workers.
January 2018: development of ICO tokens and plans. We developed markers and introduced new payment system ideas for our developers. The idea of dividends will also be reduced.
April 2018: Dear Community. We received several reports that one of our administrators put a red flag over our project. We do not want to be associated with ponzi systems or try to use our investors. It says that we want you to know that we have removed this person from our admin list.
May 2018: First payment of DEVS. In early May, we plan to make the first payment to our developers at ZAN Coins.
July 2018: sales and dividends. We have another product in development and it is expected that it will be released in July. Our goal is to turn sales into ZAN Coins and distribute the corresponding profits.
December 2018: Redemption initiative. At the end of the year, we will start buying tokens to have enough money for future projects. Redemption for developers will close the circle and help increase the cost of ZAN Coin.
Henrik Madsen (CEO)
The person and his soul are local with a long tail of 15 years of experience in the field of sea bream safety and global and. He is our CEO, and we are completely enriched by his assessment of success.
Rali Ralev (CTO)
Blockchain Architect and Integrator with deep knowledge and programming of the Beapa language and participation in some successful launch projects. Raleigh has worked on several of her famous project objectives and experience and provides a reliable and stable platform..
Todor Boyadzhiev (COO)
Project manager and quality assurance. More than 14 years in the IT sector. Take responsibility for the team opera. Todor is absolutely confident in the success of ZAN. He-is-Our Big-Mind-and-Desire-Many-Interview-With him.
If you want to receive additional information about this unique Crypto business offer, please visit ZAN Coin from the official :
Facebook: zancoin
Facebook: zancoin
author: adam sukses
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ETH:0x5f3f4Bb6EA24D1B188 Ee0457a5B807D5fbf043 A0
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